Sunday, April 4, 2010

Herring Have Arrived!

First herring spotted at Mill Pond on Saturday, April 3, 2010, and we started counting Sunday April 4.

This is the earliest date we've recorded since we started counting. The last four years were:
  • 2009 - 04-19
  • 2008 - 04-10
  • 2007 - 04-20
  • 2006 - 04-12
And while the water temperature was warm enough for the past week or so [it was 57F yesterday - they like at least 51F] the abnormally high rainfall the last couple of weeks most likely resulted in the velocity of the water traveling through the 175'+ pipe under Route 28 being too strong for the herring to overcome.

The amount of water going over the spillway at Mill Pond decreased dramatically over the last few days.

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