Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Settling Down To A Normal Process

After chasing around like a mad-mad for two days, we have the counts through Sunday covered at both locations and will work on the remaining weeks over the next couple of days. The link 'Schedules and Counts' at the top right now points to the 2010 spreadsheet.

There seems to be some high counts for this early in the run, one of 42 in 10 minutes yesterday [these haven't been posted yet to the spreadsheet].

The Osprey have been stirring things up, making huge splashes as they dive for fish, feet first.

Our picture today is of Sara who is up from New Jersey visiting relatives. She stopped by Mill Pond with her parents at 3:15 today, so I handed her a hand clicker and she did my scheduled count - result: 9 herring.

Special thanks to Emory, Ernie, Mary, Meriellen, Jane, Al, Lorne, Dawn, Joan, Bob and especially our new counters Bill & Sandy - a couple who'll do 18 counts this week. These folks pitched in and salvaged out counting program for 2010 by covering this entire week at 2 locations on very short notice.

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