Saturday, March 27, 2010

Prepareing For The 2010 Run!

We're getting ready for the 2010 migration and will soon be asking all who have counted before or who have signed-up to count to get the process rolling again.

Most folks work online directly into spreadsheets we prepare individually for each of them. We also have a few folks who work offline and we work with them over the phone.

The first step is for the counters to indicate their availability and preferences and then on this end we prepare a master schedule [last year's completed one is here] which feeds each of the counter's spreadsheets indicating when and where they are to count and then it's off to the run!

You can read about the details of this process here.

Note to fishermen: oh yes, we know why you come here... and we're happy that there's a secondary benefit to all of our work - letting you guys know when the strippers are in!

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