Thursday, April 3, 2008

Scouts have been spotted...

Al Baker [our own scout] reported this afternoon that there are a few herring present in the basin just south of Route 28 [at Route 149]. These herring are scouts themselves and are 'testing the waters' as they say.

We've planned a contingency to start counting this weekend if need be, but with the cold weather we've seen lately it's unlikely that they'll start in the next few days.

We'll be checking the water temperature regularly starting Friday April, 4th as well. Does anyone know at what water temperature we can expect some migration?

There's a new block on the top right of this Blog where you can monitor the progress of the herring run. For each of the two counting stations there is the Master Schedule that shows which counter is scheduled for which slot and also the Counting Results. These are the actual spreadsheets being used in the project. When you view them they'll say they are updated every 5 minutes, but for the time being [maybe next year] they don't reflect the counts as posted by the counters. And the Master Schedule shows just the counter's number and not their name [but we know who they are...].

The enrollment of counters has been progressing okay but and we're a little behind schedule with just 22 enrolled to-date for this year and with just Emory Anderson completing the preferences on his spreadsheet. You can see an example of a spreadsheet here.

We're waiting to hear back from the 30 or so others that have been contacted.

Where are you?


ewillcox said...

April 6, 9:00am - Did not see any at either Marstons Mill Pond or Trunk River Falmouth. Possibly due to cold water temperatures and or weather. When is the last time a scout was spotted?
Eric Willcox Falmouth, MA

Kevin Galvin said...

Eric: They were seen April 3rd across Route 28 from Mill Pond, in a pool just before the culvert under the road.

We'll be checking again today, but see the latest post about what was seen at Mill Pond at 10am this day.