Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Counting Has Stopped ~ Next Steps

We stopped counting at the end of the day Sunday as we didn't feel we'd get anything for all of the effort involved. However, we'll still monitor the run several times a day for the next week or so to be sure we haven't made a mistake in doing that.

Since the last post of May 6 when we counted a total of 41 fish, that has now leaped up to 53 - our final number for counting this year at Mill Pond - an unbelievably small number.

So, What's Going On?
That's a question I've been asked many times. We'll be doing a lot more work on this over the coming months and we'll keep you posted here.

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To Our Counters...
Thank you for helping out this year and I know I've said this many times before: If we didn't take these counts we'd have no idea of what was going on.

Those frustrating zero after zero counts have had a direct impact on the awareness of this issue and your efforts have clearly quantified the severity of the situation. Instead of just guesses or approximations, we have irrefutable data that's as clear as can be - thanks to you!

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